When you download the theme you will receive an email with detailed instructions on installing our theme.
You can easily change the top background options on theme options panel -> Header Top section
You can easily change the logo and favicon on Theme Options Panel -> Header and Theme Options Panel -> Footer section
You can easily change these colors on Theme Options Panel -> Header section
Click on your past events and Upcoming events settings in Theme Options Panel -> Category Selection section
You can change the Details button text on Theme Options Panel -> Category & Archive section
You can change Columns on Theme Options Panel -> Category & Archive section
You can change map code on Theme Options Panel -> Contact section
Go to maps.google.com and look up your address. Click the Share icon and then select the Embed a map link code. Click the COPY HTML link and paste that into to our map code section in options area.
You can change these addresses on Theme Options Panel -> Social Media section
You can easily add your code on Theme Options Panel -> Header Codes section